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Development of ML models with Python for flight test optimisation

RR Senthil Kumar, Flight Test Engineer, Indian Air Force


The major task of Flight Test Crew (Flight Test Engineer and TP alike) revolves around data collection, analysis and generation of reports. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based software applications can be developed to simplify and stream line the flight evaluation/analysis procedure thereby driving down the flight test cost without jeopardizing safety.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence based software tools can be developed specifically for Flight Test applications. Data forms the bed rock for any Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML&AI) based system.

A practical approach has been adopted by the author for development of ML&AI models using flight test data derived from Digital Combat Simulator (DCS).

The simulator can be downloaded from the official website of the developers – ‘Eagle Dynamics’.

Wed, 2021-09-15