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Flight testing – a part of the road to NVG introduction in SwAF

Jonas Linde, Saab Avitronics, Sweden


Saab Avitronics has in later years been engaged in an effort for introducing NV capability in the SwAF. The development and DT&E and OT&E has been an joint effort by four stake holders, Saab Avitronics as the display system vendor, Saab Aerosystems as the platform integrator, the Defence materiel administration T&E unit as the customer and the Swedish Royal air force OT&E unit as the end user.

This paper will describe the background and road to introduction of NVG capability in SwAF.

Laboratory-, ground and flight trials have played an essential role during the different stages of the development.

Flight test campaigns-, technical issues-, problems and lessons learned will be discussed. Issues like “How to flight test when you do not have your on test assets, like test aircrafts and flight test permit?” will be addressed.

A special part will discuss the problems regarding the change overtime of what the customer ordered and what he really want to use when the system is fielded and the implication on the test effort.

The presentation will describe the effort from the vendors view regarding issues as collaboration and responsibilities between the stakeholders.

Wed, 2009-09-09