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Integration Approach and Flight Testing of an Experimental Multi-Platform Sensor Correlation System

Ralf Vautz, EADS Military Aircraft, German Flight Test Centre, Manching, Germany
Max Biedermann, EADS Military Aircraft, German Flight Test Centre, Manching, Germany


The demand to improve the airborne tactical situation awareness is increasing. Therefore, in future, NATO aircraft will be equipped with data link to exchange sensor data in real time. EADS Military Aircraft initiated a study, developed simulation / analysis tools for replaying test data and integrated an experimental system.

The new cross- ranging concept is based on utilizing emitter location systems (ELS) of two or more ECR (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance) TORNADO fighter bombers. ELS allows the acquisition, identification and precise determination of angle and range of radiating targets and threats. Sensor data exchange will be performed via the modified V/UHF operational data interface (ODIN) allowing an automatic bi-directional data transfer. The sensor fusion task will be performed by an embedded sensor fusion SW, which utilises the processing capacity of a Solid State Data Recorder, which was originally installed for recording detailed sensor data.

Flight trials were performed in order to demonstrate the capability of two or more ECRs to locate emitters rapidly and precisely. Within an interdisciplinary team the tough time schedule in tight budgetary limits could successfully be coped with. ‘Multi-Platform Sensor Correlation’ (MPSC) is a joint technology project of BWB and EADS. The test task was performed in close cooperation between customer, industry and the German Air Force.

This paper briefly describes the design architecture, which was implemented in the ECR TORNADO. In addition, the following items will be addressed:
• Individual ground- and flight test steps performed
• Objectives of flight trials
• Required test instrumentation, data processing and test facilities involved
• Software analysis tools used for the assessment of performance
• Principles of performance evaluation
• Test results achieved in a realistic threat environment

Finally, a summary of the lessons learnt, the way ahead and customer benefits will be given.

Tue, 2004-06-08