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Summary of the 3rd SFTE EC Mini-Symposium
Linköping, Sweden (1990-06-07/08)

The third Mini Symposium, generously sponsored by SAAB, was held on June 7 and 8 in the Civil Aircraft Information Centre.

In the evening of June 7 all participants and their wives were invited to the Air Force Museum for a very enjoyable evening with buffet among the rare old aircraft. The evening was sponsored jointly by Innovative Vision and IMC Limited.

In the morning of the first day a welcoming address from SAAB Chief Test Pilot, Per Pellebergs, was given and nine papers were presented in the two days.

After Chapter Business Meeting and Committee Meeting, a visit was arranged to the SAAB 340 Production Line.

The Mini Symposium was visited by some 40 people from abroad. The room housing 70 was almost filled on occasion during the lectures.

SAAB Chief Test Pilot, Per Pelleberg, during the Keynote speech