The SFTE EC Jesualdo Martinez Award In Flight Testing has been created to commemorate our colleague and board member Jesualdo Martines Rodanes, who tragically deceased in the accident of A400M MSN 23, in Seville in May 2015.
Ch. Mallaun, German Aerospace Center, DLR, Wessling, Germany
A. Giez, German Aerospace Center, DLR, Wessling, Germany
The validation of a trailing cone system on a research aircraft using established flight test procedures gave errors which seemed not acceptable for the following calibration experiment. Using new technologies and a detailed analysis of the error sources led to im-proved procedures and measurement strategies. This new approach was tested on different aircrafts and demonstrated a significant reduction of the residual errors. This paper presents the results of a pitot-static calibration for a meteorological research sensor package mounted on the wing of a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan. The overall error of the static source calibra-tion was shown to be less than 0.25 hPa for the whole aircraft envelope.