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Guidelines For Tanker AAR Clearance From A Military Authority Perspective

Javier Centelles, Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España (ISDEFE), Spain
Jorge Fuentes, AIRBUS Defense and Space (AIRBUS DS), Spain
Javier Parra, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Spain


Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) is a risky operation that needs to be carefully assessed side in order to provide an adequate level of safety.

A clearance must be issued by the Tanker and Receiver Military National Airworthiness Authorities (MNAAs) before this operation is allowed.

However, as can be read in NATO ATP-561, “the procedure for obtaining AAR Clearances varies from nation to nation and is currently not covered by a NATO STANAG”, meaning that, at the time being, it does not exist a standard process for clearing AAR pairings.

The aim of this paper is to provide MNAAs with a guideline for the AAR pairing clearance process including Clearance categories, Roles and Responsibilities, Requirements and Evidences and Outcomes.

Wed, 2015-10-07