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Hybrid-Hydrogen Electric Four-Seater Aircraft DLR - HY4 Flight Test Campaign

Paolo Romagnolli, Pipistrel d.o.o Ajdovčšina, Slovenija
Vid Plevnik, Pipistrel d.o.o Ajdovčšina, Slovenija
Sašo Knez, Pipistrel d.o.o Ajdovčšina, Slovenija
Prof. Joseph Kallo, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany
Thomas Stephan, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany
Steffen Flade, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany
Johannes Anthon, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany


The project DLR-HY4 focused on the powertrain development and flight testing of the world’s first zero-emission hybrid-hydrogen electric powered four-seater aircraft. The flight test activities carried out, from the first system power-up on ground in Slovenia, to the world official premiere flight in Germany are hereby described.

In a very limited timeframe the test team, composed by experts and specialist of two partner companies, was able to successfully complete the ambitious flight test campaign. Great teamwork, good mission and logistic planning, deep care of safety aspects, crew training and team coordination played a fundamental role.

Thu, 2017-09-14