Papers and Summary from the SFTE EC Symposium 2018

Papers from the 29th Annual SFTE EC Symposium are now available on the Papers section.

Also, a summary from the symposium can be found in the SFTE EC Symposia section.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2018 - Programme

The 29th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at Delft University of Technology, at the premises of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands from the 29th to the 31st of May 2018.

Read more in the
SFTE EC Symposium 2018 Programme
(Updated 2018-05-28)

Please use the link below for online registration to the symposium.
Registration site

The SFTE EC Symposium 2018 - Registration

The 29th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at Delft University of Technology, at the premises of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands from the 29th to the 31st of May 2018.

Registration is now open.
Please use the link below for online registration to the symposium.
Registration site

The symposium programme is under construction. A draft symposium programme will be published as soon as more details become available and regularly updated. On May 29 and 30 the symposium is expected to start at 09:00 h and finish no later than 17:00 h. The Technical Tour will be a complete day starting early. Leaving at 07:30 h from the Technical University and return at the Technical University at around 18:00 h. On the return trip a stop is scheduled at approximately 16:30 h at Schiphol Airport.

Find more general information about the program, co-hosts and the city of Delft in the
SFTE EC Symposium 2018 Brochure

The SFTE EC Symposium 2018 - Brochure

The 29th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at Delft University of Technology, at the premises of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands from the 29th to the 31st of May 2018.

Find out more about the program, co-hosts and the city of Delft in the
SFTE EC Symposium 2018 Brochure
(Updated 2018-03-19)

The SFTE EC Symposium 2018 - Call for Papers

The 29th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at Delft University of Technology, at the premises of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands from the 29th to the 31st of May 2018. The organization of the symposium is co-managed by the Netherlands Association of Aeronautical Engineers NVvL, the Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR.

The symposium theme is “The Fewer Aircraft to Flight Test, the More Reason to Share Experience”

Deadline for abstracts: EXTENDED UNTIL 16 March 2018
Notification to authors Before: 30 March 2018
Deadline for submission of papers: 4 May 2018
Symposium: 29-31 May 2018
Technical Tour: 31 May 2018

Please submit an abstract of your paper (not more than one page) describing objectives, best practices,
results and /or lessons learned from your experience.
Abstracts should be submitted using the symposium address:

Find more details in the
Call for Papers Flyer

2018 New Year Message from the SFTE European Chapter

Dear colleagues, finally 2017 has come to and end, and another new year lies down in front of us for the next 365 days.
We can now look behind what have been done in the last period.
Flight Test has been busy along last year in Europe. New Gripen model has started flight test, Airbus has managed the first flights of A330neo but also of A340 BLADE demonstrator for laminar wing in a very short period of time, and A400M continues the flight test campaign for the military capabilities.

We celebrated the 28th European symposium, in September. This time we have it in a completely new place for us. We made a joint event with the European Rotorcraft Forum. This time we relied on people from Politécnico de Milano, who made an outstanding work of preparation for the event.
General feeling, among participants, is that the event was a complete success, and for the first time Rotorcraft issues were the “trending topic” along all the presentations and discussions during the symposium.

We have been starting to use our new logo, after the selection process we had in 2016.

Right now we are working on the 29th European chapter symposium. This event will take place in Nederlands, under the host of NLR.
We will deliver shortly the new Call for Papers with all the details and information.

Finally we have managed to set up the rules for the “JESUALDO MARTINEZ” award. This award will have a two-year periodicity, it is expected that the first award will be delivered in 2019. We will keep you posted on these this and other developments through our web page.

Your participation in the society is key for the society itself. Please notice that our chapter is called “European”, but we are really a “non American” chapter.
Check your current membership, and if you notice that somebody that should be member is not, please let us know to check this out.

Expectations for this New Year are really high, and everything points towards a busy time for flight test activities.
Please receive our best wishes for the days to come in the name of the board of the European chapter.

Papers and Summary from the SFTE EC Symposium 2017

Papers from the 28th Annual SFTE EC Symposium are now available on the Papers section.

Also, a summary from the symposium can be found in the SFTE EC Symposia section.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2017 - Registration

The 28th Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) European Chapter Symposium will take place in Milano, Italy on September 13-15, 2017. This event is the premier forum dedicated to flight testing outside the U.S.A., bringing together professionals and researchers to discuss advances in the testing of flying vehicles
and systems at large.

The 2017 edition of the SFTE EC Symposium will be held in conjunction with the 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF). The ERF is a main event for the world’s rotorcraft community, held every year since 1975.

Registration is now open.

Read about the registration options on the combined page.

New Year Message from the SFTE European Chapter

Dear Colleagues:

Year 2016 has finished and we are starting 2017.
It is time to review what has been done the past 365 days.

We had a very successful symposium in Nuremberg in May. We share the event with ETC, a good bunch of papers were presented, and people took the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge. Networking worked as good as always.

We had our own renewal with the selection of a new Logo. We have been using the old one since the very beginning, however the new media and communications needs asked for a more convenient design. Finally we got a winner, and a new design was born. We have already started to use it, and we hope that all the media work will be easier now.

I would like to recall here our two colleagues killed in an accident last 30 October: Pietro Venanzi and Herb Moran. They passed away in a helicopter accident.

Two American flight testers also perished in another helicopter testing accident in July 6th in United States. Our prayers and thoughts for them and their families.

28th European symposium is currently underway. A call for papers has been already delivered. This time we will share the event with the ERF (European Rotorcraft Forum) in September. We are looking forward for this new adventure and hoping we will have as usual many good histories and papers to be shared among the audience. The venue itself is exciting, as we are coming back to Italy, this time in Milan. Our colleagues at Politecnico de Milano, will provide us this time the support for this symposium. Thank you guys.

We are expecting for your contributions for this and all the other activities currently under way in the society.

The Board of the European Chapter wishes the best in the New Year for you and your families.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2017 - Call for Papers

The 28th Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) European Chapter Symposium will take place in Milano, Italy on September 13-15, 2017. This event is the premier forum dedicated to flight testing outside the U.S.A., bringing together professionals and researchers to discuss advances in the testing of flying vehicles
and systems at large.

The 2017 edition of the SFTE EC Symposium will be held in conjunction with the 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF). The ERF is a main event for the world’s rotorcraft community, held every year since 1975.

Key Dates & Deadlines:

Submission of Abstract deadline: EXTENDED UNTIL 4th March 2017
Notification to authors: 31st March 2017
Deadline for final paper submission: 10th July 2017

Find details for abstract submission in the

Call for Papers Flyer

More details about the symposium can be found in the flyer but also at the official symposium website


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